Virtual Serial Ports Emulator for RS-BA and JTDX
つまり、Icom Remote Utilityやイニシャライズ、再接続をSKIPさせて、それぞれの起動だけですぐに使えるようにする。
Using VSPE, split the USB serial port and use it with RS-BA and JTDX. If you try to use them at the same time, they will compete with each other and tick and error.Since they can't share well, here is a simple setup to use them without resetting. In other words, Icom Remote Utility, initialization, and reconnection are SKIPed so that they can be used immediately after each startup.
- Virtual Serial Ports Emulator (x64)
VSPE Ver. is as follows (note that the latest beta version does not work well) * Virtual Serial Ports Emulator (x64) Also, the shared ports of VSPE are silenced when the radio is turned off and the shared ports are silenced after a while. When it is time to use it again, the radio should be started up and the VSPE port should be started.
JTDX 残タスクの処理
If you inadvertently start JTDX without starting VSPE, JTDX may remain in the Windows task for a while.This happens even if you exit unauthorizedly or exit with something unconnected.
タスクから強制削除.bat 例(for example.bat)
C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /C taskkill /IM jtdx.exe /f