
Memorandum 9 ; 手記9 "Terrible Case of Candidacy for JARL 2024 Election." And After


This note book for Amateur HAM radio, contest is My Idea, Thinking and Policy, something into.

<<他のメモ | Other one memo


This is a verbatim record of the facts that existed.

– Apr 2024. –

Before I go any further, I would like to say that I myself help JARL on a regular basis and am not in a position to criticize JARL. Still, I want to leave what I think, so that it can be seen by someone else, and thinking this situation, help them understand the truth.

The issue of (former Chairman) Mr. Takao, JG1KTC, which lasted several years until 2023, was memorandum here.
So, if you haven't read it, you might want to check out the case matters he has done once.

Simply put, he did something like embezzlement, privately used the JARL organization, and then who went to court him. However, in the end, he fled with resigned as Chairman 2023 June. And he have continue a push way. Everyone had think and concern his got away.

2nd Feb 2024.

Many were surprised as bad means, but a part of some were pleasantly surprised because they had not widely communicated information about that case to Japanese members. In think it because relying on the legal treatment process in under.
Once he has achieved a result in the form of his resignation as chairman, the process was to go underground follow basic. So there are things in Japan that act as a kindness to not threaten his livelihood.

But, less than a year later Mr.Takao was front and center, openly running for office. 
He ran for the Board of Directors.

I wonder if his spirit is okay, if he has the right nerves, he would not have acted this way. I'm concerned. I am sincerely concerned, it doesn't matter if what happened of him was wrong or not, he may have some problems as a person. I honestly think need mental health care.

4 Mar 2024. “Report on Former Chairman and Mr.Takao Executive Committee” from public a report was approved at the 71st meeting of the Board of Directors.
The report was based on the February 15, 2024 ruling of the Tokyo District Court, and the current board of directors resolved to publish that report.

In fact, there were a few people who supported his candidacy, and there was a lot of dialogue, mainly on SNS. Perhaps those close to him knew his excuses and wanted to defend him as a friend against the voices of sympathy and condemnation. I can understand it.
However, with the publication of this report at this point in the election, there seems to be less sympathy for advocacy.

About that report content…

  1. Investigate and pursue said improperly claimed payments.
  2. This report is true and right by Court. And then publish it on the Web site. (However, details are for JARL members only.)
  3. If Mr.Takao cannot account for what he cannot explain as a legitimate use of the amount, will he return the money to JARL.

For example (1)“improperly claimed payments”; Mr.Takao has had food and drink with other board members and the other board members paid out of their own pocket, but he has charged all amount to JARL by that bill. That is Mr.Takao get all amount paid of other members. This incident name is “2020 Pocket none none”…In it by Mr.Morita checked book and found incident, then Mr.Takao visited Kagawa and handed 10000JPY(<100USD) to the board members Mr.Morita. However, Mr.Morita was not received. This could be considered an act of bribery. As result, in 2023, In terms of refunds, 74309 JPY has already been refunded to JARL. Although, it's 2023. So this was after the issue had already come to light.

(2) is publicly available, including the bill/invoices used in (1).

(3) so doing it from now.

Of course, this is just one example. A lot of other examples. For example too, as a small deed, he has charged JARL 8,000 JPY(70USD) for the meeting fee of the club he runs.

Noted; there are various opinions, and some say that not only Mr. Takao has done this in the past, or that it is the standard for the organization. However, even if they are correct, a BAD is still a BAD, and a GUILT is still a GUILT, or CRIME is CRIME , even if there is some kind of double standard. If it appears that a past board member or someone else on the board has done something similar, then that should be judged separately, and the fact that the board member is not in a position to do so does not mean that guilt of Mr. Takao cannot be judged. It is only a question of first or second. Many who defend this report say that Mr.Takao should rightly be forgiven because “others are doing it too.”. Should not be forgiven in the context of organizational corruption. 
If there is a next time, with the right evidence, others will be charged with the crime. But that is different from the problem Mr.Takao has done.

Also, some people say that there is no basis for this case, etc. I think that is wrong. Without evidence, there can be no trial, and good or bad is judged in a court of law. So flagging against the Japanese justice system is a mistake idea.

There is a rough estimate on the public page. 

Based on dollar calculations at the time, approximately 69,500 USD was the unexplained fraudulent amount. But,… For self-preservation, he had his legal fees (over 6M JPY) paid out of JARL. The Board of Directors has not approved the proposal.
In addition, the former Executive Director, Mr.Hinooka's retirement allowance of more than 3M JPY(27000 USD) was added to the Chairman's allowance, which also has not been approved. In other words, it is fraudulent.
TOTAL 152,000 USD thought…

Mr.Yamauchi, an attorney, is taking the lead in resolving various issues in the case at hand, but on the occasion of this election, Mr.Yamauchi has been reporting on the web about some of Mr.Takao's arguments and comment of the background of the case. Its content is merely factual from the evidence and does not strongly attack anything. If it feels like an attack, it is guided by guilt, and that is something the person who feels that way should reflect on.

In other words, simple facts and personal opinions.

An essentially mature response would have been to make claims and show justification that exceeded, if not exceeded, the same playing field in the election. Today, able to claim any amount of legitimacy on the web.

However, on Mr.Yamauchi's web site, he was informed that Mr.Takao had filed an “Election Objection Petition” dated 8 March, 2024.
In response, Mr.Yamauchi submitted a written “explanation with a rebuttal”. Then, the Board of Elections found that the rebuttal was justified and dismissed Mr.Takao's claim. It is difficult to hide facts that would be relevant to a court ruling. This is honestly self-defeating.

26 Mar 2024, The people who nominated candidates for office from this election are to be made public. All candidates have an endorser, since the name of a significant number of endorsers is required for candidacy.

This is the documents published on the JARL page.

I can say and believe that all votes were fair. However, during the voting process, there were some postcards mailed by the former manager, which owned the old personal information DB, and while that was not an election violation, it was an aspect that made me think about the handling of personal information of JARL.

It was Mr.Takao, the former chairman of the board, and others who carried out these rampant, prominent activities.

I also have corporate experience, and have been up-to-date on the latest caution and destruction of former personal information, which is not allowed by Japanese law for unrestricted use of personal information. So for their action, it is an act that, with a little thought, could conflict with another legal issue, but one that is difficult to prove solidly. Still, common sense would have dictated that they would not choose to take the risk, yet they could be called ignorant and heartless by someone. Although…, Again this unmoderated behavior of theirs is not an election violation.

20 Apr 2024, open election results; As a result, Mr. Takao aka JG1KTC was elected in the form of the top three places. Surprisingly, he received more than 2,800 votes. That is, many of the voters were either unaware of his conduct regarding JARL's embezzling financial problems, or they thought there was no problem or were unaware of it. So, the aging of JARL's membership is also a result of the literacy problem, as well as the devilish practice of voting for those who know what they are doing without thinking about it, which is characteristic of the elderly.

Many people on the Internet/SNS said that would be the reason for this result. I think they are almost right.

As a result, he was given the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors despite the financial problems of embezzlement. I do not expect similar financial problems and personal embezzlement to happen again. Nevertheless, he will continue to speak up for his own interests, which I hope will not hinder the growth of JARL.  

23 Jun 2024, As usual, the JARL General Assembly will be held. There are five items on this year's agenda, with similar items on the second and fifth agendas, the agenda for board members and from employees. JG1KTC Takao's reelection was noted above, but the proposal calls for his removal from JARL. This proposal to expel him is being proposed because of a variety of voices from members who are outraged by what they see as his embezzlement, who say that he should be pursued for his actions, and who question why he is being reelected. “Report on Former Chairman and Mr.Takao Executive Committee” received more than 50 such comments, according to the report. This can be said to be a lot, since it is the Japanese way of thinking to be relatively silent.

  • Ag 2: Expulsion of regular member Yoshinori Takao JG1KTC from the federation.
  • Ag 5: Request for expulsion of Yoshinori Takao JG1KTC from membership. - Agenda from employees.

Agenda Doc Page is here. ― This time, the agenda, additional materials, and briefs and responses submitted by employees are available to published.

Also, in connection with this, the General Assembly will also talk about his responsibility to the Executive Board for allowing such financial actions by him. Well,… It is unfortunate that we have to talk about this when the General Assembly is the place to decide on development, improving the current situation, and many other things.

In 14:40 JST, he did things like answer to submitted documents. This defense is an opportunity to explain with evidence that the points now being mentioned and clarified were irresistible to him, or that there is a real culprit-like person, etc. This is not the place for simple pleadings. It appears he did not prepare evidence material.

Not that it's bad, but…I wonder no one gave him the right advice?

And 15:10 close his time 30 mins. After the time of the defense, several questions were posed by others. But…
JG1KTC Mr.Takao: “I'm not here to take witness statements, because the charter says give them an opportunity to defend themselves. So not response for any.” Then, After his statement, he left on his own accord.

In other words, he has abandoned his own opportunity to defend himself. Does he understand this?

Either way, The answer questions and reconfirmed with discussion whether Mr. Takao's claim was correct, and the falsehood was revealed after.

Around 16:00 JST, A majority vote will be taken.

81 favor, 40 oppos, 9 pending

Since the number of favor did not reach 90, the expulsion was rejected.
It is quite a wonderful spirit that 40 people allow embezzlement.

However, this case could have been significant for JARL. It was good that his thoughts were exposed and his falsehoods confirmed. And as it turns out, embezzlement does not get you expelled from JARL. In JARL's history of about 100 years, there have been two expulsion issues, which see how high the barrier to expulsion is. And, Mr. Takao should think carefully about how will behave in the future, recognizing that there were more than 80 people who wanted him expelled.


In conclusion, Mr. Takao was denied board membership.

At the end of the general meeting, there was a resolution for the election, where the election vote was held, but it was rejected because the required number of members had not been gathered. There are 129 votes in all, but a majority vote is required. However, he had 41 votes.

So, the appointment to the Mr.Takao Board of Directors was rejected.


  • memoran9.txt
  • 最終更新: 2024/06/28 13:43
  • by suadmin