
Memorandum 4 ; 手記4


This note book for Amateur HAM radio, contest is My Idea, Thinking and Policy, something into.

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FT8 JA 7MHz 問題の個人意見 ; FT8 JA 40m-band issue, My personal opinion

– 26 Jan 2022. – JH1HST



The beginning was IARU-R3 Asia online conference at 2021 Sep. So let summarize the contents.

With the opening of 7100 – 7200 kHz for amateur radio usage in nearly all IARU R3 member countries, the band plan committee is proposing some changes to the 40m segment to align it with band plans of R1 and R2. This alignment is important particularly to reduce intercontinental QRM due to different modes allocated to different segments of this band between different regions.

Our proposed changes as shown in figures 2-1 and 2-2 are summarized below:

To allow <200Hz CW from 7000 – 7050 kHz.

To remove <2700Hz All Mode allocation from 7030-7050 kHz.

To re-assign <500Hz Data from 7030-7040 kHz as “Domestic Data”. This is to accommodate regional mandatory national band plans.

  The goal here is to set aside 7040-7050 for international & domestic (where permitted) “conversational” data modes such as PSK, Olivia, RTTY etc.

  The band plan committee (BPC) takes note that changes to data mode in this segment will not be equitable to some region 3 members due to restrictions that exist (such as in Japan where domestic data communications are only permitted between 7030 – 7045 kHz).

The band plan committee (BPC) would therefore like to ask JARL to consider moving the JA domestic FT8 channel on 7041 kHz to below 7040 kHz. This would clear the R1 PSK/Olivia center of activity (7040-7044 kHz) and enable 7040 – 7044 kHz to become a multi-regional centre of activity for other modes that the digital sub-band committee is currently reviewing.

At present, the band plan committee (BPC) propose that the <500Hz Data allocation in 7050-7060 kHz segment be left as it is as this is still subject to discussion and work between the Joint R1-R3 data mode sub-band committee.



As simply summary, a radio wave expand global so it ignore a country line. So set rule in global however Japanese digital radio-wave band is it out of global rule. Currently no choice due to that rule out of a band-plan in Japan. But it is like a garapacos rule so it has to hand over for other global regions, because not global rule with effect for another global use. Basically a hoping. but it's a correct and natural request. So it better to the Japan band has to shift it asap.




This mtg held in Sep 2021, so it should move something solution till end of 2021 as popular. Then, entrusted to JARL(The Japan Amateur Radio League). This issue happen on a band-plan, so get effect big even JARL announcement. So no problem and not a wrong. ….But, JARL had no action for a while. -I don't know the reason, but based on the theory that people are good, they may have been unfamiliar with new digital technology and didn't know what to do.


On December 14, 2021, JARL finally announced, but the contents are as follows.

7MHz帯FT8での国内局同士の運用周波数について -ご協力のお願い-



 つきましては、今後、国内局同士のFT8による運用については、7030-7040kHz(キャリア周波数 7030-7037kHz)の帯域での運用とするように、デジタル通信をご利用の皆様にはご理解のうえ、ご協力いただきますようお願いいたします。

一般社団法人 日本アマチュア無線連盟(JARL)



It was a disappointing announcement, to be honest. Is it possible to make it “7.030 to 7.040” from the world? I was told that, so I announced, “Please do it at 7.030 to 7.040.” This is an announcement that is not aware of FT8 usage. With FT8, all communication is possible within the 3kHz range, that is, with one fixed SSB frequency, so all you have to do is decide on one frequency. In fact, communication is performed at 7041kHz in the range of 3kHz, and it is possible to communicate because it is fixed at 7041kHz. What They had to do here was to decide on one place between 7030 and 7040. It looks like we get freedom, it's answer is No. It's when we think about the actual use, if it is said to be in such a vast range. It's the same as not deciding the rules. If we let meet in Tokyo, said meet rendezvous point is Tokyo. You going where? Though where in Tokyo? It will be a story like somewhere in Tokyo. It definitely wouldn't work as a rendezvous.



Well, If we follow this rule, question “where are the frequencies for FT8 in Japan?” The answer is “7.030-7.040kHz”. From an outsider's perspective, it might look ridiculous. Again, this is probably due to a lack of familiarity with the specifications of new digital technologies and their use. I think the problem lies there.

FT8 JA 7MHz 問題の続き ; FT8 JA 40m-band issue 2nd, My personal opinion

– 15 Aug 2022. –



結果的に、未だにFT8の7Mhzの日本の使用周波数は、7041kHzです。 懸念されている問題は解決していませんが、致命的なことも起きていないようですが、未だに問題は続いています。


ただ、結局のところ、誰もJARLのアナウンスに従わなかったことになります。 これで良いのかどうか。

More than half a year has passed since the announcement.- As a result, the frequency used in Japan for FT8 7Mhz is still 7041kHz. The problem we are concerned about has not been resolved, but nothing fatal seems to have happened, but the problem still persists. That announcement was an announcement that did not understand FT8, so it may be unavoidable. well…After all, nobody followed JARL's announcement. Is this good or not?

やはりRTTYとぶつかった ; FT8 JA 40m-band issue 3rd, My personal opinion

– 27 Sep 2022. –


US CQマガジン主催による世界的に有名なRTTYモードのコンテスト、「The 2022 CQ World Wide DX RTTY Contest」が、日本時間の2022年9月24日(土)9時より開始され、その夜に懸念されていたRegionとの干渉が確認された。つまり、懸念通り当該のFT8とRTTYは、日本で衝突した。


結局のところ日本はこの問題を解決できないでいる状態であることが分かり、誰も混信していると声をあげていない等という人もいたが、実際に始まれば混信することが分かった。 やはり最終的には、日本でこの問題を解決しなければいけないと感じる。

“The 2022 CQ World Wide DX RTTY Contest”, a world-famous RTTY mode contest sponsored by US CQ magazine, will start at 9:00 on Saturday, September 24, 2022 Japan time, and there will be concerns that night. It was confirmed that there was interference with the Region that was In other words, the concerned FT8 and RTTY collided in Japan as expected. RTTY was dominant in communication, and FT8 was in a difficult state. Also RTTY should affected. After all, it turned out that Japan/JARL was in a state of not being able to solve this problem. Either way, I feel that this problem must be solved in Japan.