A device that connects to a PC via USB and allows the PC to control the electric key KEY of the HAM-radio. DTR operation by default, with optional support for RTS. Even a CW strike rate of 180str/min is not a problem.
Straight telegraph key can be share attached.
「zlog」「CTESTWIN」でも動作することが分かりました。 / It works with “zlog” and “CTESTWIN.”
Access to serial and other extensions is available via optional pins, although separate wiring must be devised by the user.
Will be sold at Ham-fairs and other events; email orders on request.
教材本*1とUSB2CW組み立て済:2000円 予価。- Pre-priced at 2000JPY (18USD) with a book of educational materials*1. +USB2CW prebuilded.
教材本*1のみ:500円 予価。- Pre-priced at 500JPY (4USD) only a book of educational materials*1.
*1: 本は日本語 / A book is in Japanese.
以下、一部のみ / want only a part of it.
USB2CW 基板のみ:500円 予価。- Pre-priced at 500JPY (4USD) only USB2CW PCB board.
; PCB Board only: can be shipped inexpensively by Airmail, but Airmail cannot guarantee delivery.
USB2CW 基板+ICチップなどのみ*2:1100円 予価。- Pre-priced at 1100JPY (8USD) only PCB USB2CW Board + IC-chip Tr Xtal etc*2.
*2: IC-CH340G, Tr-2SA1015, IC-PC817Cs, 12MHzXtal, 3.5φJackx2 (equivalent art,)
USB2CW 組み立て済品のみ:1650円 予価。- Pre-priced at 1650JPY (13USD) only USB2CW prebuilded.
JH1HST's jarl.com email and QRZ.com contacts are acceptable.