
Okamochi Box TX radio Op. (2021.4)


This page is about “Okamochi TX” created at 2021-Q2. aka is Structured box for mobile operation TX.

1st model (2021.5)

Configuration overview


フレームはSUS社のGFunフレーム、バッグはシマノMOVEBASEですが、この目的は、移動運用で50W無線機を使うことにあります。 よって、構成のアルミフレームとそれが入る丈夫な防水バッグも重要ですが、瞬間的に大きな出力が可能な電源が要です。 例え十分な容量のバッテリーを用意しても、50Wの無線機を動かそうとすると、それに対応できなければ電源が落ちます。 また、ある程度安全性があるバッテリーが望ましいということです。全てで手持ち可能なことも忘れてはいけません。

The Frame is SUS G-fun and Bag is Shimano MOVEBASE, However this purpose was use TX with 50W power when mobile operation. So it need durable aluminum frame and waterproof bag important though, Instantly big power necessary when use TX. Even if big volume battery prepared, TX to shutdown in no support that condition. Also, I did hope the battery has safety with stable. In all, it doesn't forget able to hand bring.

結果として、選んだバッテリーは、Jackery 240 です。 このバッテリーは、67200mAh/240Whの大容量に加え、定格出力200Wであり、12Vシガー使用時10Aで安定供給できます。

As result, I choose battery was Jackery 240. This battery has 67200mAh/240Wh big volume, also with support for 200W output, and stable power delivery around 10A when use 12V.

2021年11月、Diamond RHM12アンテナの登場で、さらに運用が楽になりました。

2021 Nov, Diamond RHM12 to launched. To more easy mobile operation.

Public and Op


First boarding at 2021-Q3, also open to public at Oct 2021 HAM event “Outdoor Meeting 2021 in Hachioji” (Katakura Tudoino Mori). That time 40m-band operating. And booth name was Akihabara-Amateur-Radio-Community JS1YCP. Also, Rig is icom IC-7100M.


2nd model (2021.10)

2021年10月直後、チューナーをMFJ MFJ-945Eに変更し、国内外の100局弱と交信。

Immediately after October 2021, the tuner was changed to MFJ MFJ-945E, and it QSOd with less than 100 stations in Japan and abroad.


Various changes and adjustments will be made thereafter while the system is in operation QRV/QSOs.

2021年11月 富山のホテルで運用。

November 2021, operated at a hotel in Toyama, Japan.

ポプルスガレージマーケット 福生 (2022.5.8)

アマチュア無線フィールドミーティングin宮ヶ瀬 (2022.5.15)

筑波山での様々な運用チェック (2022.5.19)


Various operational checks at Mt.Tsukuba, also performs numerous DX QSO. At this time, I begin to consider an auto-antenna-tuner.


3rd model (2022.8)


After testing various changes, the final decision was made on MFJ-939Y. First POTA operation in September 2022 on the Oga Peninsula in Akita Prefecture.


I have improved it so that it can be perfectly combined with the base of the car, and here it is in its final form in that time.


JARL東京 フィールドミーティング 八王子片倉つどいの森公園


This was the last time the exhibit was shown at the event.


QRV Gallery




It was dismantled and fully transferred Car-onboard in November 2022.

そして、さらに続きがある。 > All-1 set under car-seat (2023.8)

And more to follow. > All-1 set under car-seat (2023.8)